Celebrating the Birthday of Her Majesty the Queen-Mother Cambodia 2024

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Queen Norodom Monineath Sihanouk’s Birthday is a significant national holiday in Cambodia, celebrated on 18 June yearly. In 2024, this day continues to honour the beloved Royal Birthday of Her Majesty Queen Norodom Monineath Sihanouk, the Queen Mother of the Kingdom of Cambodia, who is revered for her grace, dignity, and enduring contributions to the nation’s cultural and social development.

Queen Monineath, sometimes referred to as Queen Monique was born in Paule-Monique Izzi in 1936. Her Majesty became integral to Cambodia’s royal family upon her marriage to King Norodom Sihanouk. Her life has been marked by unwavering support for her husband during turbulent political times and her dedication to humanitarian efforts. She has patronised various charitable organisations, focusing on healthcare, education, and the welfare of women and children.

The celebrations for her birthday are a blend of traditional and modern festivities, reflecting Cambodia’s rich cultural heritage. Ceremonies typically include offerings at Buddhist temples, artistic performances, and community service activities. The nation comes together in unity and respect, celebrating the queen’s mother’s enduring legacy.

In 2024, as Cambodians celebrate Queen Norodom Monineath Sihanouk’s birthday, they also reflect on her profound impact on their country, symbolising resilience, compassion, and the enduring spirit of Cambodia.

Exploring Cambodia During the Festivities

This celebration offers travellers a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in Cambodia’s vibrant culture. Cities and towns nationwide will be adorned with flags and decorations, while public gatherings and parades showcase the nation’s artistic and cultural heritage. Visiting Cambodia during this time allows tourists to witness the country’s traditions firsthand, making for an unforgettable experience.

Travelling Across Cambodia by Bus: A Convenient Option

As Cambodia gears up for the Queen’s Birthday celebrations, bus travel becomes an excellent option for locals and tourists. The country’s extensive bus network connects major cities and remote towns, providing comfortable and affordable transportation. Whether you are travelling from the bustling capital of Phnom Penh to the historic city of Siem Reap, home to the majestic Angkor Wat, or heading to the coastal paradise of Sihanoukville, bus travel ensures you can explore Cambodia’s diverse landscapes with ease.

Tips for Bus Travel During the Queen’s Birthday Celebrations

  • Book in Advance

Given the increased demand during the holiday, booking your bus tickets in advance is advisable to secure your seat. Booking your bus ticket online via the redBus app or website is recommended. On the platform, you can avail of the seat of your choice, get an M-Ticket on your registered number or email, live tracking of the bus, boarding and dropping points details along with stoppage, ticket modification and a huge discount of up to 50% OFF on your first booking. 

  • Choose the Right Operator

Opt for reputable bus operators known for their safety and comfort. Researching and reading reviews can help you make an informed decision. redBus has all the famous operators of Cambodia listed on the site like- Virak Buntham, Giant Ibis, Larryta Express, Vibol Buses, Go Ho Travel, Seila Angkor Khmer Express, etc. 

  • Plan Your Itinerary

With numerous events taking place, planning your itinerary will ensure you don’t miss out on key celebrations and attractions.

  • Stay Informed

Keep an eye on local news and announcements regarding road conditions and event schedules to make the most of your travel experience.


Queen Norodom Monineath Sihanouk’s Birthday celebrates Cambodian heritage, unity, and the enduring spirit of the Queen Mother. As the country comes alive with festivities, travelling by bus offers a unique and enriching way to explore and participate in this national holiday. Embrace the journey, witness the vibrant traditions, and create lasting memories as you traverse the beautiful landscapes of Cambodia during this special time.